It’s time to get up close and personal with your compost

It’s great to get out in the garden on beautiful crisp winter days. If you need to keep warm, now is a great time to turn your compost if you haven’t done so for a while.

Making your own compost is valuable to all gardens – improving the health of the soil (it gives out organic nutrients), minimises the growth of weeds, reduces erosion of the soil beneath from rain damage and locks in carbon. All while costing very little. 

Hannah at Get Oldham Growing, said: “Composting is like making a cake – you need the right ingredients and to give it a good mix.”

Meaning you need to give it all a ‘turn’ which will regulate the moisture for all the micro-organisms to do ‘their thing’ and achieve a healthy decomposition.

The key to the right ingredients is even layering and mixing of ‘brown (woody) and green (leafy)’ compost materials to help generate heat. This results in the right nutrients and a good texture.

For more information about composting visit: